Thursday, January 13, 2011

NEver again

Many i had been through.....
Perhaps is a test.....
I cant believe for all these day,
All the hard work that i have done,
It break me down from the sky...
crashed into the ground...
Full of scar....
I was unable to move...

But then i found out....
My hard work is all payoff....
I guess we both are from different world..
The god doesn't let me to have the opputunity to have you..
Or maybe i wasn't your dreamed guardians...
Maybe sometimes you might think of me...
I know you're actually running aways from the truth...
You said you care about your image...
I know that you just dont admit it....
You told me your tears drop....
Me either...
If there's a chance to restart...
I guess i'll still choose the same way..
No regret =)

Frankly,we have no different comparing to couple
But you're just not brave enough...
There're two types of couple..
Private and Public
You told me you care for your image alot....
Why cant we start a private relationship...?
We can just do like all the couple does...
All we gonna do is just dont admit it...
I ain't gonna disagree....
As long as is your choice...

But why ?